From The Wilderness Journalism
and Achievements – Six Years of History
March 1998 – FTW mails first
issue to 68 people. It doubles its size in one month.
As of 2004, its subscription base exceeds 12,000.
March 1998 – FTW predicts
that promised open congressional hearings into the CIA's
role in drug trafficking during the Contra era will never
occur. In the summer of 2000 the investigation is closed
without a single public hearing on the evidence.
July 1998 – FTW takes up
the case of fired CNN producer April Oliver, fired over
her Tailwind stories reporting that, in 1970,
the CIA had used Sarin gas during the Vietnam conflict
on the orders of Henry Kissinger. In July FTW becomes
the first publication to publish the deposition of retired
Joint Chiefs Chairman Thomas Moorer in the case. In that
deposition Moorer admitted that Sarin gas had been used
and a multitude of suits and countersuits involving CNN,
John Singlaub, Oliver and her co-producer were quietly
settled in secret. FTW reported that although
Oliver could not disclose the terms of the settlement
she bought a new house and car and then paid her tuition
to a prestigious law school in cash. FTW also
reported on a similar settlement for
Oliver's co-producer, veteran journalist Jack Smith (the
deposition and Sarin stories are still on the web site).
Sept. 1998 – FTW publishes
a detailed account of how Osama bin Laden had been created,
protected, trained and funded by the CIA and that bin
Laden had been a guest of British intelligence in London
as recently as 1996.
Oct. 1998 – FTW publishes
detailed excerpts from Volume II of a CIA Inspector
general's report, including declassified records proving
the CIA 's direct role in the drug trade.
Dec. 1998 – FTW publishes
a detailed investigation, including copies of US government
documents, describing how twenty-eight C 130 aircraft
had been funneled through the Forest Service into the
hands of private contractors. Instead of fighting forest
fires, many of the aircraft wound up smuggling large
quantities of cocaine and heroin. Court records established
a CIA link and confirmed the details of this covert
April 1999 – FTW reports
on the role of a young Assistant DA named John Kerry
in Middlesex County Massachusetts in the questionable
1979 prosecution and murder conviction of Special Forces
soldier Bill Tyree after Tyree threatened to expose covert
CIA operations moving cocaine into Panama.
April 1999 – FTW publishes
a detailed account of NATO/CIA alliances with the
Kosovo Liberation Army and Osama bin Laden under the
direction of NATO commander Wesley Clark. At the time,
law enforcement sources had documented that the KL A
was controlling 70 per cent of the heroin entering Western
May 1999 – FTW publishes
a story by former Assistant Housing Secretary Catherine
Austin Fitts on ethnic cleansing in America. Using
data obtained from HUD, FTW becomes the first
to publish a map clearly connecting the 1980s crack cocaine
epidemic in Los Angeles to a systematically planned
and executed operation to create thousands of single
family mortgage foreclosures in the area.
August 1999 – FTW publishes
a two-part investigation, including interviews with state
and federal officials as well as the publication of “sensitive” DoJ
documents showing the direct funneling of drug money
into Democratic Party campaign chests.
August 1999 – With
the help of former Assistant HUD Secretary Fitts – also
a past managing director at Dillon Read – FTW becomes
the first news agency to report on a series of documents
showing massive financial fraud at HUD connected to covert
operations and the manipulation of financial markets.
August 1999 – FTW begins
three years of extensive coverage on “Plan Colombia,” including
plans to engineer US military involvement to secure control
of drug cash flows and untapped oil reserves on land
occupied by FARC rebels.
Also reports on a “cold call” by NYSE Chair Dick Grasso
to rebel leaders asking them to invest their cocaine
profits in Wall Street.
Sept. 1999 – FTW breaks
an exclusive story tying the Bank of New York (BoNY)
to the laundering of up to $15 billion in stolen IMF
funds and organized crime proceeds from Russia. This
cash flow nearly quadrupled the Bank's share prices and
resulted in three successive 2:1 stock splits. In a prelude
to the Enron scandal FTW also shows how the
compensation packages for BoNY execs increased by 600%.
Oct. 1999 – With journalist Dan Hopsicker FTW breaks
an exclusive story – later picked up by the Associated
Press – showing that Texas Governor George W. Bush routinely
flew in a state airplane previously owned by the legendary
drug smuggler Barry Seal. Ownership records of the airplane
tied it to covert CIA operations during the Iran-Contra
Oct. 1999 – FTW Publisher/
Editor Mike Ruppert is visited by staff members of the
House Intelligence Committee who copy 6,000 pages of FTW records
only to bury them from public view.
Nov. 1999 – FTW openly advocates
the decriminalization of all drug use to remove an estimated
$600 billion in profits from the world's financial markets
stating clearly that this cash flow epitomizes an economy
which chooses to make profits by destroying life rather
than improving it.
Nov. 1999 – Jan. 2000 – In a multi-part
exposé, after obtaining court records of CIA
documents, FTW breaks an exclusive story showing
that the 1982 conviction of former CIA officer Ed Wilson
had been secured as a result of perjured CIA testimony
and affidavits. A t that time FTW predicted
that Wilson 's conviction would ultimately be overturned.
The conviction was indeed overturned in October 2003.
In December 2003 a criminal probe was launched by the
Department of Justice into the conduct of high-ranking
officials involved in the case, including a US Appeals
Court judge. In February of 2004 it was announced that
DoJ would not retry Wilson on the charges.
Feb. 2000 – FTW publishes
a detailed analysis of the exploding prison population
under Bill Clinton. New inmates include 800,000 non-violent
drug offenders. FTW links this explosion in
prison populations and boosts in various share prices
on Wall Street.
April 2000 – In The
Democratic Party's Presidential Drug Money Pipeline (later
reprinted in three languages) FTW furnishes
documentary evidence from the DEA and the DoJ tracking
campaign donations from Dominican Drug lords (controlling
most of the cocaine consumed on the Eastern Seaboard)
into the Al Gore campaign. Mike Ruppert is subsequently
threatened with prosecution over his disclosure of
a confidential DoJ memorandum. The story also connects
former DNC Charles Manatt's appointment as US Ambassador
to the Dominican Republican to drug-connected campaign
contributions. FTW 's reporting establishes
conclusively that drug money is an essential component
of the US economy and a necessary ingredient to both
political parties in Presidential elections.
July 2000 – FTW reports
on an unpublished 9 th Circuit Court decision confirming
a documentary record showing that an Iran-Contra defendant
had smuggled cocaine directly for the CIA.
Sept. 2000 – A fter being contacted
by members of the RCMP National Security Staff, FTW breaks
an exclusive story on the use of PROMIS software by intelligence
agencies to monitor financial markets, track terrorists
and manipulate sensitive financial, intelligence and
natural resources data bases. The story also documented
that Canada 's version of the software had been compromised,
and tracked the history of US and Israeli use of the
software against friend and foe alike. This became critical
when, after 9/11, the FBI and DoJ officially acknowledged
that they had been using the software after reports had
surfaced that the software had been given to Osama bin
Oct. 2000 – FTW publishes The
Bush-Cheney Drug Empire, a scathing exposé of
Halliburton; its political corruption, documented connections
to drug smuggling, and campaign donations right before
the 2000 election. The story predicted that under a
Bush presidency, Halliburton, once chaired by Dick
Cheney would engage in unheard-of levels of political
and economic corruption. This story was cited by author
Kevin Phillips in his 2004 best-seller American
Dec. 2000 – Immediately after the
contested 2000 election FTW predicts a major
economic recession, massive deficits, hostilities in
South America and a global conflict.
Jan. 2001 – As the Bush administration
takes office FTW describes the regime as a “war
cabinet” and states that the US has become an Empire
intent on major new conflicts beyond anything imagined
up to that point. FTW labels the administration
as a bully which would not hesitate to use military and
economic bludgeons to manipulate and control world events.
Jan. 2001 – FTW breaks original
stories on depleted uranium (DU) poisoning in Iraq and
Kosovo, including FAA documents proving that the US
government knew that DU was toxic and lethal.
Jan. 2001 – Well before the UN rift
over the invasion of Iraq FTW describes new,
emerging alliances between Russia and Europe and between
Russia and Japan.
March 2001 – After attending an economic
conference in Moscow, Mike Ruppert reports in detail
on the Taliban's recent destruction of Afghanistan 's
opium crop. Calling the move economic warfare against
the US, Ruppert predicts that the move by the Taliban – which
took an estimated $200 billion out of the world's banks
and markets – would result in conflict between the US
and Afghanistan. Since the US occupation of Afghanistan
in November 2001, Afghanistan has again become the world's
largest opium producer with crop yields 18 times larger
than on 9/11.
May 2001 – FTW reports that
rampant criminality in the US financial markets is out
of control as Citigroup pays $12 billion in cash to buy
Mexico's largest drug money laundering bank, Banamex.
With that purchase Citigroup places drug laundering kingpin
Roberto Hernandez on Citigroup's board of directors along
with former CIA Director, John Deutch.
July 2001 – FTW begins an
explosive two-part exposé on insurance giant A
IG showing that the wife of Medellin Cartel co-founder
Carlos Lehder is employed in the firm's San Francisco
offices. FTW documents AIG's long-standing
ties to the opium trade. In February 2004 candidate John
Kerry was criticized in the press for receiving allegedly
improper “donations” from AIG.
Sept 9, 2001 – FTW issues
to its subscribers the first of the only two economic
bulletins in FTW 's history thus far. It warns
of an imminent collapse of US markets. The 9/11 attacks
two days later prompt a massive US Treasury intervention
which prevents the collapse. As a result of the attacks
George W. Bush is able to tap into the Social Security
trust Fund.
Sept. 2001 – Just 7 days after the
attacks in New York and Washington FTW publishes
stories documenting that the US government had received
detailed warnings from at least seven countries and did
nothing to prevent the anticipated attacks. The number
of countries now known to have warned the US with specific
details exceeds 15. FTW reporting, since vindicated
by The New York Times, The Washington Post,
The Los Angeles Times,
and in congressional records, was the genesis of current
battles over disclosure of Presidential intelligence
briefs. These advance warnings and so-called ”failures,” as
documented by FTW and forced into mainstream
media, have formed the basis for pointed questions and
challenges by former Florida Senator Bob Graham, Dennis
Kucinich and Congresswoman Cynthia Mckinney.
Sept. 2001 – Again, less than a week
after the attacks FTW becomes the first publication
to expose and detail long-standing business relationships
between the Bush and bin Laden families, including their
joint participation in The Carlyle Group.
Sept. 2001 – FTW predicts
massive unemployment and economic hardship for Americans.
Sept. 2001 – Less than a week after
the attacks of 9/11 FTW predicts that the coming
conflicts, described by Dick Cheney as “a war that will
not end in our lifetimes” would include wars that had
nothing to with terrorism and would spread around the
Sept. 2001 -- FTW predicts
that opium production in Afghanistan will soar and that
the country will be occupied in time for the planting
season which begins in November. Afghanistan was, in
fact, occupied in time to plant record crops which were
successfully harvested in May-June of 2002.
Oct. 2001 – FTW publishes
a detailed exposé of insider trading on the world's
financial markets just before the 9/11 attacks involving
the stocks of American Airlines and United Airlines
as well as other American and European firms which suffered
heavy damage. In this report FTW breaks the
news that many of the insider trades involving United
Air Lines were handled by a firm previously headed by
Buzzy Krongard who, on 9/11, was the Executive Director
of the CIA. FTW also connects the insider
trades with the fact that the head of that company – the
Alex Brown unit of Deutschebank – had resigned the day
after the attacks.
Oct. 2001 – Using foreign press reports, FTW discloses
that the US invasion of Afghanistan had been known of
and prepared for long before 9/11. At the same time, FTW was
among the first publications to question erratic behavior
by George Bush on the day of the attacks that was wholly
inconsistent with the official version of events.
Oct. 2001 – FTW expands
its coverage of the Carlyle Group and publicizes the
Bush family's historical financial ties to both Adolf
Hitler and Saddam Hussein.
Oct. 2001 – FTW is among
the first American news sources to publish the fact
that $100,000 had been wired to Mohammed Atta just weeks
before the attacks by the head of Pakistan's Intelligence
Service (the ISI), General Mahmud Ahmad and that Ahmad
had been in Washington on 9/11.
Nov. 2001 – FTW publishes
a detailed legal analysis and breakdown of the just-passed
USA Patriot Act detailing a number of constitutional
violations in a story titled The “F” Word.
Nov. 2001 – FTW is the first
to break a story highlighting a series of quotations
from a 1997 book by former national Security Advisor
Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Grand Chessboard.
These quotations, along with map s reproduced from the
book, demonstrate clearly that a major war in Central
Asia and the Persian Gulf had been planned for at least
four years and that an attack on the order of Pearl Harbor
would, in Brzezinski's words, be required to mobilize
popular support for a “massive military mobilization”.
The Brzezinski quotations are later picked up in dozens
of publications and cited by Gore Vidal.
Oct. 2001 – Three years before Fed
Chairman Alan Greenspan said it, FTW predicts
that Social Security would become insolvent and that
cuts in benefits would be inevitable.
Nov. 2001 – In dozens of lectures
in the United States, Canada and Australia, FTW Editor
Mike Ruppert states clearly that the so-called war on
terror will be nothing but a sequential war to control
the last remaining oil reserves on the planet.
Dec. 2001 – FTW begins its
now legendary scientific coverage of Peak Oil, the fact
that the world is beginning to run out of hydrocarbon
energy, including natural gas. The reality of Peak Oil
has since been confirmed by CNN, The BBC, The Wall
Street Journal, Nature, The Guardian,
ABC News, The Financial Times, and official
energy sources including former British cabinet minister
Michael Meacher.
2002-2004 – FTW pioneers
a groundbreaking series of stories in biological warfare
and the mysterious deaths of as many as 15 world-class
microbiologists, all of whom have specialties connected
to gene sequencing and/or disease agents. Newspapers
in Canada, Great Britain and the US follow up and post
similar stories. In August 2002 the New York Times expends
8,000 words in a futile attempt to debunk what is obviously
a string of related murders.
April 2002 – In
a world exclusive called The Elephant in the Living
Room, FTW uncovers massive political
conflicts of interest involving John Ashcroft campaign
donations and two major oil companies (ExxonMobil and
British Petroleum) under grand jury investigation. In
this special report FTW obtains statements
from DoJ attorneys indicating that Ashcroft has intervened
in these investigations even though the targets had been
major campaign donors.
June 2002 – FTW issues its
second-ever economic alert to subscribers warning of
an imminent plunge in the Dow, NASDAQ and other markets.
A week later the Dow begins an historic plunge which
takes away 25% of its value in three months.
Aug. 2002 – Based
upon an analysis of troop deployments and oil supply
shortages FTW announces that an Iraqi invasion
is inevitable, regardless of political opposition, more
than six months before it happens.
Aug. 2002 – After
a detailed analysis of political and economic instability
in Saudi Arabia, along with a discussion of Saudi money
in the US markets FTW predicts the coming US-backed
destabilization of the Saudi regime and ultimate seizure
of the Saudi oilfields by the US military, most likely
after the 2004 election. This is almost a year before
massive terror attacks and explosions rock the Saudi
Oct. 2002 – A full year before reports
in major publications like CNN, the New York Times,
The Asia Times and
the Financial Times, FTW states that
China will be the end game for oil by detailing the skyrocketing
levels of Chinese oil consumption and importation, coupled
with massive increases in Chinese auto sales and industrial
consumption of oil and gas.
Oct. 2002 – FTW is among
the first to evaluate a just-released report from the
Project for a New American Century showing that plans
had been in place for the Iraqi invasion since at least
2000, long before the 9/11 attacks.
Nov.-Dec. 2002 – FTW conducts
a detailed investigation into the plane crash killing
Senator Paul Wellstone and his wife. The investigation
discredits much of the government's official explanation,
at the heart of which lie untenable claims about the
role of weather in the crash. FTW concludes
that Wellstone was murdered, and details of its investigation
including weather analyses, interviews with on-scene
investigators, and FAA procedures are quoted in Minnesota
Dec. 2002 – FTW reports
that the anticipated Caspian oil bonanza is a bust after
20 of 25 wells drilled result in dry holes. In an interview
with world petroleum expert Colin Campbell, FTW again
confirms Peak Oil and what the coming shortages will
look like.
Jan. 2003 – FTW predicts
$3.00 a gallon gasoline in the near future.
March 2003 – Just before the US invades
Iraq FTW predicts that the US occupation of
that country will be long-term and that the conflict
will degenerate into a Vietnam-like quagmire with heavy
US casualties and guerilla warfare.
March 2003 – FTW reports
on a methodical move in congress to document impeachable
offenses by the Bush administration over forged documents
purporting to verify Iraqi attempts to purchase uranium
ore in Niger. This was months before the illegal outing
of Valerie Plame as a CIA case officer and six months
before the empanelling of a grand jury in the case.
March 2003 – FTW reports
that energy investment banker Matt hew Simmons, an advisor
to the secretive energy task force headed by Dick Cheney,
had advised the Bush campaign before the 2000 election
that the impact of Peak Oil was imminent and serious.
2002-3003 – FTW pioneers
investigations into the development of gene-specific
and genetically-modified bioweapons.
April 2003 – FTW continues
its in-depth coverage of Colombia, describing covert
operations and military aid (post-9/11) intended to destabilize
a country with untapped oil reserves. FTW also
documents unsuccessful US attempts to destabilize the
regime of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
May 2003 – Reporting from an international
Peak Oil conference in Paris, FTW details a
number of reports from automakers like Daimler-Chrysler,
financial institutions like Deutschebank, and world-class
oil experts on the certainty and proximity of Peak Oil.
It is in Paris that FTW learns from an Iranian
oil executive that Saudi Arabia may have already peaked;
and if Saudi Arabia has peaked, the earth has peaked.
May 2003 – FTW publishes
an exclusive 22-page report on the SARS epidemic suggesting
that it may be a bioweapon designed to constrain an exploding
Chinese economy. The report documents interesting connections
between the specialties of many of the dead microbiologists
and the technology need to produce one or more SARS-like
May 2003 – FTW confirms
Saudi Arabia as a coming target for US intervention
and adds that West Africa is a growing zone of conflict
in the infinite war. This is three months before N A
TO announces a policy and strategic shift to West Africa
and two months before the US gives six warships to the
Nigerian Navy after repeated domestic unrest upsets oil
production. This is seven months before the first press
reports surface showing that China is increasing military
aid to West Africa.
June 6, 2003 – Eight weeks before
it happens, FTW Editor Mike Ruppert, while
speaking at an economic conference in Mexico predicts
a massive US power blackout that will ultimately be shown
to be the result of an irreversible natural gas shortage
throughout North America.
June 2003 – After a year of evaluating
alternative energy regimes, using academic sources, FTW concludes
that there is no combination of alternative energy sources
capable of sustaining current world population and consumption. FTW publishes
nine critical questions to be used in the evaluation
of alternative energy sources. Hydrogen is a joke; ethanol
a wasteful energy-losing subsidy for agribusiness.
July 2003 – In a special report, Watergate
II, FTW describes how the Bush administration
has angered financial markets and big business. FTW predicts
criminal investigations and a certain impeachment should
Bush steal the 2004 election. FTW states
clearly that the global economic elite will pursue
a policy of “management change” without making any
serious revelations about 9/11, economic corruption
and instability, or Peak Oil.
August 2003 – In
an exclusive interview with FTW, the world's
largest energy investment banker, Matt hew Simmons – whose
clients include The World Bank, Kerr-McGee and Halliburton – confirms
natural gas shortages as a primary cause of the New England
blackout along with deregulation. In this interview,
a full six months before confirming stories appear in The
New York Times, Simmons confirms that Saudi Arabia
may have passed its peak of oil production.
Oct. 2003 – In Beyond Bush II – long
before the first Democratic primary in New Hampshire
and at a time when the press focused its attention on
Howard Dean FTW predicts that John Kerry will
become the nominee.
Oct. 2003 – FTW 's Dale A
llen Pfeiffer, in the “most frightening story FTW has
ever published”, confirms the role of oil and natural
gas in food production and demonstrates that 10 calories
of hydrocarbon energy go into every calorie of food consumed
by Americans. The story predicts coming food shortages
60 days before grain shortages are reported in China
and a month before CNN's Lou Dobbs reports that Canada
and the US may soon be unable to export grain.
Jan. 2004 – In Your Face,
Mike Ruppert 's most important article in two years,
dissects documents and map s unearthed in a lawsuit from
the secretive energy task force headed by Dick Cheney.
With a Supreme Court ruling due in the summer of 2004
on the release of the panel's records, FTW documents
that, well before 9/11 the energy task force was already
discussing ways to carve up Middle East oil deposits.
Feb. 2004 – Documenting military manpower
requirements and shortfalls, FTW publishes
an exclusive two-part series predicting that the draft
will soon be implemented in the US. FTW undertakes
to contact the foreign ministries of 75 foreign governments
to determine which countries will and will not extradite
US draft evaders.
Apr. 2004 -
In April, 2004, citing an FTW exclusive published 30 days earlier, BBC
names FTW as a source in an artlcle on
Peak Oil titled, "When
the Last Oil Well Runs Dry."