real CIA secrets of the Bowers Shootdown -- As told by a
covert warrior who has testified before Congress -- Explanations
that make sense about the missionaries' silence.
[From the May 31 issue of From the Wilderness. © 2001
Michael C. Ruppert and from The Wilderness Publications].
Anger & Leaks Over Bowers Shootdown
A veteran covert warrior with longstanding
ties to the CIA has offered the following observations on
the April 19 shootdown of a plane carrying Baptist missionaries
resulting in the death of Veronica Bowers and her adopted
daughter in Peru. Many sources have told FTW
that the shootdown was a colossal screw-up.
[1] Most of the missionary groups
operating all over the "Llanos" [prairies or plains in Spanish]
area on the Amazon side of the Andes Mountains are false
recruited assets of the intelligence community,
[2] One of the persons aboard the Cessna floatplane was
CIA contract agent, and he is not a happy camper! The Baptists
and all of the operating missionary groups have been approached
by "cut-outs" who are offering large donations of funds and
equipment to their organizations on the condition that nobody
files any lawsuits concerning the shootdown. That is the
- - the stick is that they all are being told that further
operations by ANY and ALL religious organizations may very
well face great restrictions or complete prohibition on their
respective activities in four South American countries -
that is: If they cause any legal problems over the shootdown.
[3] The recruiting [of US
military personnel to fight in Colombia] is very heavy here
in [deleted] and they are not just targeting the short-timers,
but instead are offering the S.O.P. "Sheepdipping" into select
Reserve and National Guard units that have been used for
years to insure that rank, pay, benefits and retirement from
career military service is guaranteed.