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655 Washington St.
Ashland, OR 97520
(541) 201-0090

[Last year’s Community Solution Conference was one of the most dynamic Peak Oil centered events ever to take place in North America. Dedicated activists and agriculturalists that attended the conference still use it as a benchmark to judge all other related events.

The conference offers a holistic approach to Peak Oil, bringing together experts in many diverse yet related fields. Richard Heinberg, Julian Darley, Pat Murphy, Vicki Robin, Megan Quinn, David W. Orr, and Peter Bane are just a few of the brilliant individuals who will be presenting invaluable information. Visit Community Solution for more information. If you can get to Yellow Springs, Ohio by September 22, do not miss this conference. – MK]

Preliminary Conference Schedule

Friday, September 22

4:00 — 6:30 Registration
7:00 — 9:00 Peak Oil, Climate Change, and Our Agrarian Future, Dr. David Orr

Saturday, September 23

8:00 — 8:15 Call to Order: Conference Structure and Goals

Module 1: Lifestyle Changes and Community Action

8:15 — 9:00 Plan C: Conservation, Curtailment, and Community, Pat Murphy
9:00 — 9:45 Relocalize Now!, Julian Darley
9:45 — 10:15 Break
10:15 — 11:00 Proactive Responses to Peak Oil: Protocols and Relocalization, Richard Heinberg
11:00 — 11:45 Panel Discussion on Relocalization with Murphy, Darley, Heinberg
11:45 — 1:20 Lunch, Antioch Inn

Module 2: The Built Environment

1:30 — 2:15 Facing the Perfect Storm: Building a Culture of Survival at Berea College, Richard Olson
2:15 — 3:00 Zero Energy Housing — A Habitat for Humanity Project, Jeff Christian
3:00 — 3:30 Break
3:30 — 4:15 Cutting Home Energy 75 Percent — A Straw Bale Example, Dr. Robert Brecha
4:15 — 5:00 Panel Discussion on the Built Environment with Olson, Christian, Brecha
5:00 — 6:30 Dinner, Antioch Inn
7:00 — 8:30 The Freedom of Limits: Living Simply in a Post-Peak World, Vicki Robin
8:30 — 10:00 Music and Entertainment

Sunday, September 24

8:30 — 8:45 Call to Order

Module 3: Post-Peak Food and Farming

8:45 — 9:30 Peak Oil and Permaculture, Peter Bane
9:40 — 10:25 Large Scale Gardening: The Primary Post-Oil Model, Sharon Astyk
10:25 — 10:35 Q&A with Sharon Astyk
10:35 — 11:05 Break

Module 4: Designing the Post-Peak World

11:05 – 12:00 The Smart Jitney: Radical Rapid Transport Reinvention, Community Solution staff
12:00 — 1:30 Lunch, Antioch Inn
1:45 — 3:15 Workshops
A. Cuba Film Showing and Q&A with Director, Faith Morgan
B. Municipal Energy Preparedness Template, Ellen Bicheler and New College students
C. Relocalization Discussion, Julian Darley and Richard Olson
D. The Built Environment Discussion, Jeff Christian and Bob Brecha
E. Food & Farming Discussion, Peter Bane and Sharon Astyk
F. The Smart Jitney, Pat Murphy and Richard Heinberg
3:15 — 3:45 The Peak Oil Opportunity: A Call to Leadership, Megan Quinn
3:45 — 4:00 Closing Remarks, Pat Murphy

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