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[Below is a minor correction to Stan Goff’s series on the fratricide of Pat Tillman. When this correction was sent to FTW, Stan wrote the following:

Since we published the Tillman piece which mentioned that there were several families going public about fratricide that was covered up, the military has announced that it will open its own investigation.  Hmmm.

This isn’t the first time this investigation has caught the attention of Rumsfeld’s DoD and/or the mainstream media. On June 2nd, 2006, Mike Ruppert wrote the following:

We were all surprised last weekend when CNN ran a “new” investigative series on Pat’s death using the same documents I had just retrieved from Pat’s mother, Mary. She had given them to CNN a long time ago but nothing had transpired – that is, until FTW started writing about it. We’re not surprised. Stan Goff and FTW scare Donald Rumsfeld and the Bush administration. We scare CNN. For about a month prior to FTW launching this series there had been no mainstream stories about the Tillman case. Since we published Part One I have seen eight new stories about him, including CNN’s.

To assure fairness and accuracy in our reporting, we bring you the following minor correction. – MK]


Correction to TILLMAN FILES Series

Stan Goff
Military/Veterans Affairs Editor

© Copyright 2006, From The Wilderness Publications, All Rights Reserved. This story may NOT be posted on any Internet web site without express written permission. Contact May be circulated, distributed or transmitted for non-profit purposes only.

September 20th 2006, 1:34PM [PST] - In the series "The Tillman Files," I wrote that Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Kauzlarich was the Cross-Commander at Forward Operating Base Salerno on Khowst, Afghanistan.  That was incorrect.  The Cross Functional Team Commander ("Cross-Commander") under which Pat Tillman's unit was working at the time of his death was a Major Hodney.  Kauzlarich was one step above Major Hodney, as his Regimental Executive Officer, and was based in Bagram.  The Ranger Regiment in Afghanistan was under the operational control (OPCON) to a highly secretive joint command, which accounts for much of the difficulty in clarifying both the circumstances of Pat Tillman's death and the subsequent actions taken at several levels of command to conceal and spin his death.  Any information that either the family or journalists have received, therefore, regarding even the names of those involved, has been extremely difficult to access. The reports that were given to the family are heavily redacted; and in working with the family, I have had to rely on members of the unit, many of whom were junior enlisted men and afraid to speak.  The official policy of the joint command to which the 75th Ranger Regiment (Afghanistan) was OPCON (and for which I worked on more than one occasion during my own career in the Army) with regard to any claims or question from journalists is "neither confirm nor deny."  I regret my error.  The Tillman family indicates that it will continue to aggressively investigate the cover-up of the circumstances of Pat's death.

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