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All of these books -- currently not in print -- in order to make it into my library, are important and essential reading or I wouldn't recommend them here. There are many other out-of-print books that are truly essential reads and FTW is in the process of finding ways to make those books available to you again. But know that if a book is listed here I believe it should be read.


It is worth noting that seven of the most important books that I would recommend as teaching books about "How things really work" are out of print. This is not by accident. They are listed here.

The Secret Team, Third Edition by L. Fletcher Prouty.
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The Report From Iron Mountain by Leonard Lewin.
Whether fact or fiction - there are few books that better describe how things actually work than The Report From Iron Mountain.
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Iran-Contra Connection - Secret Teams and Covert Operations in the Reagan Era, by Scott, Marshall and Hunter.
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The Third Option, by Ted Shackley, retired CIA Associate Deputy Director of Operations.
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Thy Will be Done, The Conquest of the Amazon, - Gerard Colby and Charlotte Dennett.
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CIA Diary- Inside the Company, by Philip Agee.
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Powder Burns: Cocain, Contras and the Drug WarPowderburns, Cocaine, Contras and the Drug War - Celerino Castillo.
Buy It Here at FTW.

 Check HERE For Items That Are Hard To Find -

Top Shelf - A book that either significantly advanced the body of knowledge and disclosed information in its field or presented an entirely new perspective on the subject, thereby disclosing new opportunities for action and change. A book that I would take if I could only pack one suitcase. Essential for both research and understanding.

Second Shelf - Critical for research. Supplies essential facts and history. May contain some inaccuracies (as do almost all books) but if you haven't read it you're probably missing some critical pieces of the puzzle.

Third Shelf - An important read, may contain, either by design or accident, some disinformation, inaccuracies or unverified material but also contains extremely valuable research or perspective. A useful index. I bought it and am glad that I did.


The Terror Timeline: Year by Year, Day by Day, Minute by Minute: A Comprehensive Chronicle of the Road to 9/11 - by Paul Thompson

"Just the facts. Only the facts. An indespensible tool for any 9/11 investigator" - Michael C. Ruppert

Top Shelf

The Terror Timeline: Year by Year, Day by Day, Minute by Minute: A Comprehensive Chronicle of the Road to 9/11

Dance of A Fallen Monk - by George Fowler - Contains Mikes favorite spiritual quote of all time.

Top Shelf

Dance of a Fallen Monk

Agents of Deception - Ward Churchill
The incredible story of the FBI’s COINTELPRO and the tactics that form the basis of what will done to destroy a new generation or brave leaders who dare to speak truth to power.

Top Shelf

Cocaine Politics - Peter Dale Scott
Painstaking and pinpoint research from Berkeley Professor and conspiracy icon Peter Dale Scott show, in detail, how aware of and how deeply involved our government was in the cocaine trade of the 1980s. In terms of pure research and detail, this book, with its myriad footnotes, is one of my three favorite reference books on the subject. Peter is an FTW reader and cherished friend!

Top Shelf
Cocaine Politics: Drugs, Armies, and the CIA in Central America
Cocaine Politics: Drugs, Armies, and the CIA in Central America

Dark Alliance - Gary Webb
Gary's 1998 book went farther than any other book on the subject to date. The major media pooh-poohed his work but his research won the last laugh. Not only did Gary begin to document the ways in which CIA reaches down into local law enforcement, he pulled the corner on the insidious CIA connections that led directly into the heart of South Central Los Angeles and to major corporations in Southern California. Dark Alliance did for the CIA and drugs what Uncle Tom's Cabin did for slavery. Gary is an FTW reader.

Top Shelf
Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion
Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion

Deep Politics and the Death of JFK - Peter Dale Scott
One of the best researched and most definitive works explaining the coup d'etat of 1963. This essential read links directly to the same financial, business and intelligence powers we see behind the drug trade today. More than anything this books begins to open our understanding of the deepest question of all - WHY?

Top Shelf
Deep Politics and the Death of JFK
Deep Politics and the Death of JFK

Defrauding America - Rodney Stich
Stich, a crusty, indefatigable old pilot and investigator who just digs and digs and digs. He prints material no one else does and he has a huge network of sources. Rodney's works are useful as references to pinpoint operation names and the names so many people in the spook world. A really useful index. Rodney is an FTW reader!

Third Shelf

Defrauding America

Drug Crazy - Mike Gray
Short, beautifully written, eloquent dissection of what's really behind the "drug war" and the insanity and the needless, senseless harm it creates. From the Oscar winning writer of The China Syndrome and "Gray Lady Down", Drug War (1998) is an absolute knockout punch of logic and reason that shows how indefensible the drug war really is. It is also one of the most enjoyable and compelling reads on my shelf. Mike is an FTW reader!

Top Shelf
Drug Crazy: How We Got into This Mess and how We Can Get Out
Drug Crazy: How We Got into This Mess and how We Can Get Out

Drug War - Dan Russell
I thought I knew a lot till I read this book. This is a paradigm shifter. This is a book that gives the world a whole new way to understand the cosmology of drugs, intelligence, shamanism, spirituality, assassination and war. If I had to pick five books to keep as the best understanding of the insanity, profit motive, Wall Street-driving, prison-industry-sustaining, intelligence-agency-protected system this would be one of them. An absolute must read for anyone coming from a legal, law enforcement or academic background. More than 1300 footnotes leave no stone unturned and a new dimension opened. Dan is an FTW reader!

Top Shelf
Drug War: Covert Money, Power and Policy
Drug War: Covert Money, Power and Policy

Drugging America - Rodney Stich
The latest effort from Rodney Stich (1999) continues his research and anecdotal reporting of covert operations with the stories from many of those who were at the operational and mid-management field level of CIA and intelligence agency drug trafficking and covert operations.

Second Shelf
Drugging America : A Trojan Horse
Drugging America : A Trojan Horse

Emerging Viruses - Leonard Horowitz
This Harvard scientist documents the role of the Army at Fort Detrich, the CIA and major pharmaceutical companies like the German giant Merck in the creation of the AIDS virus for genocide and for profit. Horowitz leaves you no doubt that AIDS was intended to be "ethnospecific." I found the book to be a very difficult read because of all the medical and scientific terminology, but well worth it. You will never look at the so-called heroes of the war on AIDS the same again. As always, the lesson is, follow the money!

Second Shelf
Emerging Viruses; AIDS and Ebola
Emerging Viruses; AIDS and Ebola

False Profits - Peter Truell, Larry Gurwin
Breathtaking story of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI). Shows how Democratic powerhouse and author of the 1947 National Security Act of 1947 - Clark Clifford brought this drug money financed, oil backed, pyramid scheme into ownership of the largest bank in Washington, D.C. and how bribes, corruption and money laundering operations led to the heart of the CIA. Absolutely destroys the myth that one party is different from another as both Democrats and none other than George "W" Bush are tarnished in its final, gripping chapters. You don't know anything till you know how the money works. Start here.

Second Shelf

False Profits: The inside Story of BCCI, the World's Most Corrupt Financial Empire

Kiss The Boys Goodbye - Monika Jensen-Stevenson
This heartbreaking and tragic account by former 60 Minutes Producer Monika Jensen-Stevenson not only details how our POWs were systematically betrayed and abandoned, it also brings us face to face with the same names we know from decades of CIA drug trafficking: Shackley, Armitage, Clines Childress, Secord, Aderholt, Bush. They are all here and more. This one should really be read by every African-American in the country because they will find their natural allies in the POW families. One of my favorites. My copy was given to me by Mrs. Francis Gary Powers in 1992. Monika is a From The Wilderness reader!

Top Shelf
Kiss the Boys Goodbye: How the United States Betrayed Its Own P. O. W.'S in Vietnam
Kiss the Boys Goodbye: How the United States Betrayed Its Own P. O. W.'S in Vietnam

National Security Law - Dycus et al
This is a law book, pure and simple. It is thick. It is "legalesey" but Oh, My Lord how much it reveals about how this system operates and what we already have enshrined as law. Proof that what is legal is not necessarily right. When you read through the case law and the court decisions and see what is already on the record in The Supreme Court and in the Circuit Courts of Appeals you will never be the same. A must read reference book. Expensive but well worth it.

Second Shelf

Orders to Kill - William Pepper
The chilling description of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King by the British lawyer who won a 1999 civil suit in Memphis charging conspiracy against the government. Chilling revelations about the CIA and the use of Green Berets to kill King. The only reason this book isn't on the top shelf is because it just confirmed what many of us already knew. A must read for assassination buffs. "Doc" Pepper is not an FTW reader but his legal associate, Ray Kohlman, who was part of the trial in Memphis certainly is!

Second Shelf
Orders to Kill: The Truth Behind the Murder of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Orders to Kill: The Truth Behind the Murder of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Plausible Denial - Mark Lane
A milestone achievement from one of the first researchers to burst the Warren commission bubble. One of the basic primers in assassination research.

Top Shelf
Plausible Denial: Was the CIA Involved in the Assassinationa of JFK?
Plausible Denial: Was the CIA Involved in the Assassinationa of JFK?

Secrets of the Temple - William Greider
A dense but essential read from an accomplished financial reporter on the inner working of the Federal Reserve. You really don't know what "The Fed" is until you read this one. Follow the money. Watch the Fed.

Third Shelf
Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country
Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country

Shamanism and the Drug Propaganda - Dan Russell
A much more esoteric book from Dan Russell, but one which belongs on your shelf, since it's the best book, in print, on the ancient roots of the drug war. Great if you're into mysticism and the wisdom of the ancients.

Second Shelf
Shamanism and the Drug Propaganda: The Birth of Patriarchy and the Drug War
Shamanism and the Drug Propaganda: The Birth of Patriarchy and the Drug War

Spite House - Monika Jensen-Stevenson
Heartbreaking bone crushing tale of the demonization of POW Bobby Garwood and the tragedy of a Marine officer ordered to kill him. This book is a blow by blow revelation of how literally insane the intelligence world and how the concepts of honor and loyalty do not translate in intelligence circles.

Second Shelf
Spite House: The Last Secret of the War in Vietnam
Spite House: The Last Secret of the War in Vietnam

The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy - Turner & Christian
The absolute best work on the assassination of Bobby Kennedy by my two friends, former FBI agent Bill Turner and former ABC News, San Francisco Bureau Chief, Jonn Christian. There's much that needs to be added to this book - and probably will. But after reading it you will know that LAPD was connected to CIA and that it actively covered up the truth that Sirhan did not kill RFK. Both Bill Turner and Jonn Christian are avid FTW readers.

Top Shelf
The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy: The Conspiracy and Coverup
The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy: The Conspiracy and Coverup

The Emperor Wears No Clothes - Jack Herer
The truth of the lies about marijuana and the economic value of industrial hemp. A bright, colorful, vivid and very "fun" book by "The Emperor of Hemp" who uses the government's own documents to bash them over the head. You won't believe how much a part of American culture the hemp plant has always been and you'll be shocked at the hundreds of uses for the plant that the government and the pharmaceutical and chemical companies don't want you to know about. Jack Herer is an FTW reader.

Second Shelf
Emperor Wears No Clothes: Hemp and the Marijuana Conspiracy
Emperor Wears No Clothes: Hemp and the Marijuana Conspiracy

The Franklin Cover-up - John de Camp
Heartbreaking, nightmarish tale of ritual child abuse, child molestation, child prostitution and all the sordid connections to politics, blackmail and corruption. Written by a lawyer and former Nebraska state Senator. You will have trouble sleeping for a few nights after you read this one. And you will never look at Boys Town the same way again.

Second Shelf
The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska
The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska

The Mafia, The CIA and George Bush - Pete Brewton
Award winning journalist does a brilliant job of working his way through the labyrinthine connections tying the title characters together. The only thing that prevents this book from going to the top shelf is that fact that Brewton failed to reach for the larger implications of his work and tie them in to the CIA drug trafficking that dominated this era and still flourishes today. Nonetheless, no one has topped this achievement for its detail and depth of research.

Second Shelf
The Mafia, CIA and George Bush
The Mafia, CIA and George Bush

The Politics of Heroin - Alfred McCoy
This is the Bible. Al McCoy is the only man I know who has been publicly speaking out about CIA and drugs, longer than I have. First published as The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia in 1972, the book has been revised and re-titled to take us from the opium wars of China to the heroin of the Afghani Mujahedeen, to the cocaine of the Contras. Your research of drugs in the global economy and throughout history must begin here. Al McCoy is a Professor of History at the University of Wisconsin and a regular FTW reader.

Top Shelf

The Politics of Heroin

The Secret War Against The Jews - Loftus & Aarons
Any book that contains the quote, "Both Bush and North actively screened out any member of the Contra forces who was even suspected of dealing in drugs," (p 466) is immediately suspect. However, this is an unbelievable treasure trove of historical data that explains many very dark corners of the intelligence world and the hideous history of "anti-Semitism for profit" in the largest companies in America. This is not a book for neophytes. No mention of Mike Harari and convenient pro-Israeli blindness in some areas. Reading this book is like eating good bonefish, you have to know how to pick out the small bones. An incredible index.

Third Shelf
The Secret War Against the Jews
The Secret War Against the Jews

The U.S. Intelligence Community - Richelson
A really, really, really handy encyclopedia, desk reference of the literally hundreds of agencies and sub-agencies that make up "The Community".

Second Shelf

The U.S. Intelligence Community

The War on Freedom - Nafeez Ahmed
With pioneering work of his own and building upon the groundbreaking work of FTW, Nafeez Ahmed has produced an incredibly researched book that will stand as a litmus test against the government story of 9-11. There are many other questions to be addressed, but "The War on Freedom" has given us one of the many cornerstones we need to build on as we attempt to understand our suddenly very dangerous world.
Buy it in our store today!

Top Shelf



"The War on Freedom"

When Corporations Rule The World - David C. Korten
Absolutely devoid of political rhetoric or ideology, this masterpiece by a Stanford Ph.D. , former Harvard Professor and US Agency for International Development (CIA) and Ford Foundation insider makes the rapacious and insatiable hunger of an economic system gone made easy to understand. Globalization, fueled, protected and driven by WTO, the IMF, the World Bank and corporations worth more than most countries is as real as the new world order which is already here, teetering toward its own inevitable collapse. Scarier because Korten makes it all so easy to understand.

Top Shelf

When Corporations Rule The World

White Out - Alexander Cockburn
This brilliant writer, Alex Cockburn (pronounced Co-burn), compiles a telling anthology of the CIA's role in trafficking drugs, the government's duplicity in the war on drugs and the horrible damage it does to innocent people. Brilliant and vital for its passion and eloquence. Faulted only because it could have gone further.

Second Shelf
Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs and The Press
Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs and The Press


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